Loved by more than 1000 social media celebrities

Do everything with one platform.

🔗 Short links     📱 Bio pages     🤳 QR codes     👤 Share Vcards     📃 Transfer files     🧑‍💻 Host HTML Sites

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Based on 50,000+ reviews from

Teams and professionals around the world trust Barcodi

Barcodi features

Bio page, electronic card, and many wide options to facilitate sharing 🚀

Professional bio page
QR code with different designs for the bio page
Shortened links with multiple features
An electronic card to quickly save your data
Integrated statistics on the bio page (cities - devices and more))
Link your bio page with the Facebook pixel, a private domain, and more

Why is Barcodi your right choice?

Barcodi is the #1 platform in the Arab world for creating bio pages for people and companies

An integrated control panel for bio pages that contains many features (adding links and social media pages, videos and photos, donation and support button, statistics, and more..)

Our support team is available at all times to help you and answer your questions until you reach your professional bio pages🚀

Who uses Barcodi?

Barcodi is the leading platform for creating bio pages for individuals and companies in the Arab world. Here is an explanation of each type of platform user:


Barcodi provides entrepreneurs with the opportunity to create stunning bio pages that reflect their business identity. They can add links to services and products, and promote their past successes, which contributes to attracting more customers and business partners.

Creative people

Barcodi offers creatives an ideal platform to showcase their artistic and creative works. They can create various pages that include videos, photos, and links to their accounts on social media platforms, which enhances the spread of their content.


For freelancers, Barcodi is an important tool for marketing their services. They can add a donation and support button to facilitate payment processes, in addition to displaying statistics showing the success of their previous projects


Companies benefit from Barcode to create professional bio pages that display their information and services in an attractive way. Links to official websites and social media can be included to enhance communication with customers.


Barcodi provides celebrities with a way to better communicate with their fans. They can display the latest news and events, and include links to their official accounts to boost engagement and increase their follower base.

Lawyers and accountants

Barcodi provides lawyers and accountants with a personalized interface that reflects their professional services. They can include contact information and links to effectively communicate with potential customers.

Bio link pages

Create your own unique & highly customizable bio link page with ease.

  • Custom colors & branding
  • Multiple ready-to-use components
  • SEO settings
  • Password protection, sensitive content warning

Shortened links

Yes! You can use our service as a shortener as well.

  • Scheduling & expiration limits
  • Country, device & language targeting
  • A/B Rotation
  • Password protection, sensitive content warning

QR Codes

Fully featured QR code generator system with easy to use templates.

  • Custom colors with gradients
  • Custom logo
  • Vcard, WiFi, Calendar, Location..etc templates

Built-in analytics

Easy to understand, yet detailed and comprehensive analytics for all your links. GDPR, CCPA and PECR compliant.

  • Countries & cities
  • Referrers & UTMs
  • Devices & operating systems
  • Browsers, Languages
Links 1K+
QR Codes 211+
Tracked pageviews 2,424,699+

Tracking pixels

All the links easily integrate with any of the following pixel providers.

Pricing plans

Choose and get exactly what you need.

باقة المؤثرين والافراد
0 4.99 0 USD
كل شيء في رابط واحد مع امكانية الالغاء في اي وقت تريد فقط 4.99$/سنة بدلا من 19.99$ لفتره محدودة
  • 3 Biolink Pages
  • 10 Biolink blocks
  • All Biolink Blocks
  • 10 Shortened Links
  • 10 File Links
  • 0 Vcard Links
  • 0 Event Links
  • 3 QR Codes
  • 3 Projects
  • 2 Pixels
  • 0% affiliate percentage
  • Unlimited Custom Domains
  • 58 days statistics retention
  • Custom Back-half
  • Deep linking
  • Removable branding
  • Custom Backgrounds
  • Custom branding
  • Dofollow links
  • Leap link
  • SEO Features
  • Extra fonts
  • Custom CSS
  • Custom JS
  • Indepth Statistics
  • Links scheduling & limiter
  • UTM Parameters
  • Password protection
  • Sensitive content
  • No ads
  • API access
Choose plan

Some frequently asked questions about the Barcodi platform

Barcodi is the first leading platform in the Arab world that enables users to create professional bio pages that include their personal information or the services they provide.

It includes creating a bio page, an identification Barcodi, or short links. Links can be added to social media, video and photo pages, a donation and support button to the bio page, and statistics about the page’s performance.

No, Barcodi offers one lifetime subscription package, which means users pay a one-time fee to enjoy all the features without a monthly payment.

Yes, you can customize your page design using many available options, such as different colors, fonts, and themes.

The Barcodi support team provides support around the clock. You can contact us via the WhatsApp side icon on the home page at any time.

Yes, Barcodi can be used for commercial purposes and brand promotion, whether for individuals or companies.

Start now

Create your account and start designing your bio pages creatively